4 (94) – 2019

Issue:   4 (94) – 2019.



Official documents

    • Requirements to the Contents of a Safety Analysis Report for Nuclear Research Installations.NP-049-17.
    • Requirements to Planning of Actions and Protection of Employees During Radiation Accidents at a Ships and Water Craft Nuclear Installations. NP-079-18.
    • Establishment and Methods for Monitoring of NPP Electrical Equipment Lifetime Performance. RB-136-17.
    • Establishment and Methods for Monitoring of NPP Instrumentation and Controls’ Lifetime Performance. RB-138-17.
    • Seismological Monitoring for the Sites of Location of Nuclear and Radiation Hazardous Facilities. RB-142-18.

International information

  • List of international organizations' documents, approved in 2018–2019.

The official issue. Issued since 1998.

Editorial Board

A. V. Ferapontov, M. I. Miroshnichenko, E. G. Kudryavtsev, V. A. Sidorenko.



Editorial Staff

    A. A. Khamaza, Chief Editor; R. B. Sharafutdinov, Deputy Chief Editor; A. P. Khomyakov, E. G. Bugaev, O.M. Kovalevich, O. Yu. Kavun, A. Sh. Sakaev, I. P. Sokolov, V. Sh. Plekhanov, A. A. Stroganov; A. V. Balalaechnikov, Executive Editor; T. V. Sinitsyna, Executive Secretary; E. A. Dorogavtseva, Editor of the Issue; N. R. Bolshakova, Computer-Aided Makeup.

Signed to be published on December 25, 2018.

ISSN 2218-8665. © Nuclear and Radiation Safety. SEC NRS, 2019.


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