
The Research & Practice Quarterly Journal ‘Nuclear and Radiation Safety’
The Journal is an official periodical of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service. It was founded in 1998 under the name of ‘Gosatomnadzor Bulletin’ (until 2005) to implement the provisions of Article 6 of the Federal Law ‘On the Use of Atomic Energy’. The Journal founder and publisher is Federal Budgetary Institution ‘Scientific and Engineering Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety’ (SEC NRS).
The Journal is meant for the managerial, scientific and engineering staff of nuclear facilities and organisations, Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service officers, and a broad community of readers interested in nuclear and radiological safety developments.
The Journal publications include:
- draft federal regulations governing the use of nuclear energy;
- approved Rostechnadzor regulations and legal acts (including amendments) pertaining to nuclear and radiological safety;
- articles on the state regulation of the safe use of nuclear energy, and
- key scientific insights from candidate / doctorate theses in 05.14.00 ‘Generation’ (05.14.02 ‘Power Stations and Power Systems’, 05.14.03 ‘Nuclear Power Installations, including Design’), and 05.26.00 ‘Safety of Human Activities’ (05.26.02 ‘Safety in Emergency’; 05.26.03 ‘Fire and Industrial Safety’; 05.26.05 ‘Nuclear and Radiological Safety’; 05.26.06 ‘Chemical, Biological and Bacteriological Safety’).
Articles discussing the key scientific findings of candidate / doctorate applicant theses in the above areas are published free of charge provided that they fit in the Journal remit.
The Journal mirrors the specifics of scientific activities pertaining to nuclear and radiation safety. Its publications include scientific articles contributed by leading experts and scientists, as well as by academic degree applicants, on the topical challenges to nuclear and radiation safety. This is the sole scientific journal in the country discussing the regulation of nuclear and radiation safety for nuclear facilities.
The Journal is on the list of scientific and technical periodicals of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles recommended for publishing contributions from applicants for doctor / candidate degree.
The Journal is distributed by subscription in Russia and CIS countries.
The Journal subscription index in ‘Russian Press’ catalogue is 43566.
For subscription or purchase of the Journal issues contact the editorial office at 107140, Moscow, st. Malaya Krasnoselskaya, 2/8, bldg. 5, SEC NRS, Division of Scientific and Technical Information, or by fax +7 (499) 264-28-59. The editorial office phone number: +7 (499) 264 28 53.
The electronic version of the ‘Nuclear and Radiation Safety’ periodical is available on the Journal website nrs-journal.ru, and in Russian electronic science library (eLIBRARY.RU) that is integrated with the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).
ISSN 2218-8665 (print);
ISSN 2218-869X (online).
Rules for publishing scientific articles in the ‘Nuclear and Radiation Safety’ periodical are posted on the Journal website nrs-journal.ru/about/reviewing/.