2 (92) – 2019

Issue:   2 (92) – 2019.

Nuclear and Radiation Safety, № 2(92)–2019. Periodical of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service

The on-line version of the Periodical is available in our free mobile application. (Android, iOS).



Official documents

  • Rules for nuclear safety of vessels and other crafts with nuclear reactors. NP-029-17.
  • Recommendations for development and maintenance of safety culture at NPPs and in their operating organizations.RB-129-17.
  • Recommendations for development of level 2 probabilistic safety assessment for NPP unit.RB-044-18.
  • Recommendations on determination of physical protection measures for mobile radioactive sources.RB-149-18.

International information

  • List of International Organizations’ Documents Approved in 2019.

The official issue. Issued since 1998.

Editorial Board

A. V. Ferapontov, M. I. Miroshnichenko, E. G. Kudryavtsev, V. A. Sidorenko.



Editorial Staff

    A. A. Khamaza, Chief Editor; R. B. Sharafutdinov, Deputy Chief Editor;
    A. P. Khomyakov, E. G. Bugaev, O. M. Kovalevich, O. Yu. Kavun, A. Sh. Sakaev, I. P. Sokolov, V. Sh. Plekhanov, A. A. Stroganov;
    A. V. Balalaechnikov, Executive Editor;
    T. V. Sinitsyna, Executive Secretary;
    T.A. Krasotina, Editor of the Issue;
    N. R. Bolshakova, Computer-Aided Makeup.

Signed to be published on June 19, 2019.

ISSN 2218-8665.
© Nuclear and Radiation Safety.
SEC NRS, 2019 г.


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