Issue No. 88 of the “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” Periodical has come out. The on-line version of the Periodical is available on the website and in our free mobile application (Android, iOS).
- O. Yu. Kavun, V. O. Kavun, V. V. Semishin, N. M. Zhylmaganbetov, V. A. Tereshonok, V. A. Pitilimov, L. V. Kryakvin, P. A. Romanov, A. O. Denisenko. Design simulation of measurements of Leningrad NPP-2 Unit 1 reactor neutronics at the stage of first criticality.
- E. G. Bugaev, S. B. Kishkina. Assessment of long-term and current seismic hazard at NPP sites on the basis of engineering survey materials.
- A. M. Kryukov, V. S. Rubtsov. Flux effect analysis for assessment of radiation-induced embrittlement of VVER-440 reactor vessel.
- O. Yu. Kavun, V. O. Kavun, V. V. Semishin, A. A. Smirnova, L. V. Kryakvin, R. A. Sizov. Design effectivity assessment of safety control systems regulating units for VVER-1000.
Official documents
- Basic requirements for the safety of vessels and other floating facilities with nuclear reactors. NP-022-17.
- Establishment and methods for monitoring of life characteristics for NPP valves. RB-131-17.
- Establishment and methods for monitoring of life characteristics of NPP equipment and pipelines operating under pressure. RB-132-17.
- Recommendations on the development of quality control programs for design of nuclear installations. RB-143-18.
- Recommendations on the transition of facilities for keeping non-retrievable radioactive waste to isolation facilities for special radioactive waste and disposal facilities for non-retrievable radioactive waste. RB-146-18.
International information
- List of International Organizations’ Documents Approved in 2018.
The official issue. Issued since 1998.
Editorial Board
A. V. Ferapontov, M. I. Miroshnichenko, E. G. Kudryavtsev, V. A. Sidorenko.Establisher
SEC NRS.Editorial Staff
A. A. Khamaza, Chief Editor; R. B. Sharafutdinov, Deputy Chief Editor;
A. P. Khomyakov, E. G. Bugaev, O. M. Kovalevich, O. Yu. Kavun, A. Sh. Sakaev, I. P. Sokolov, V. Sh. Plekhanov, A. A. Stroganov;
A. V. Balalaechnikov, Executive Editor;
T. V. Sinitsyna, Executive Secretary;
E. A. Dorogavtseva, Editor of the Issue;
N. R. Bolshakova, Computer-Aided Makeup.
Signed to be published on September 28, 2018.
ISSN 2218-8665.
© Nuclear and Radiation Safety.
SEC NRS, 2018.