Standardization in the field of characterization of radioactive waste produced by nuclear power plants

Authors:   Sharov D. A., Korotkov A. S., Ivanov E. A., Dem'yanenko M. V., Kuryndin A. V., Shapovalov A. S. Issue:   4 (110) – 2023.
Standardization in the field of characterization of radioactive waste produced by nuclear power plants.

Sharov D. A., Korotkov A. S., Ivanov E. A., Dem'yanenko M. V., Kuryndin A. V., Shapovalov A. S.

Approaches to characterization of radioactive waste produced by nuclear power plants were addressed based on determining of their radiation characteristics, specified by the national standard GOST R 59968-2021 “Radioactive Waste from Nuclear Power Plants. Determination of Radiation Characteristics for Transfer for Disposal”, which entered into force in 2022 and intended to be used by operating, design, scientific organizations, as well as specialized organizations for determining the radiation characteristics of generated or accumulated radioactive waste from nuclear power plants before their transfer for disposal to the national operator for radioactive waste management.
The description was provided to outline how the provisions of GOST R 59968-2021 contribute to the application of the classification of radioactive waste established in decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 29.10.2022 No. 1929 “On amendments to the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 19.10.2012 No. 1069”. In particular, an overview was given to the approach to determining the list of controlled radionuclides in radioactive waste produced by nuclear power plants, and to methods for monitoring the radiation characteristics of radioactive waste produced by nuclear power plants.
The proposals that, according to the authors, will contribute to the effective application of the national standard GOST R 59968-2021 were also formulated.

► Keywords: radioactive waste, characterization of radioactive waste, classification of radioactive waste, acceptance criteria.

Article language: Russian. Pp. 25–36. [in Russian]. DOI: 10.26277/SECNRS.2023.110.4.002.


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