Scientific and technical support to the regulatory body for emergency preparedness

Authors:   Kuryndin A. V., Sorokin D. V., Shapovalov A. S., Polyakov R. M., Pipchenko G. R., Kurbonmamadov A. Sh. Issue:   2 (104) – 2022.
Scientific and technical support to the regulatory body for emergency preparedness.

Kuryndin A. V., Sorokin D. V., Shapovalov A. S., Polyakov R. M., Pipchenko G. R., Kurbonmamadov A. Sh.

In accordance with Federal Law no. 170-FZ of 21.11.1995 “On the Use of Atomic Energy” technical and scientific support organizations of authorized bodies of state safety regulation carry out their activities in order to improve state regulation of safety in the use of atomic energy. These activities according to the IAEA document “Technical and Scientific Support Organizations Providing Support to Regulatory Functions” (IAEA-TECDOC-1835), include emergency preparedness tasks. In doing so the following tasks are solved by technical and scientific support organizations:
development and improvement of draft regulatory acts concerning the information transfer and the planning zones for protective actions and other aspects of emergency preparedness;
prediction the development of accidents, possible at nuclear facilities, in order to solve the tasks facing Rosteсhnadzor, and assessing the consequences of such accidents (including in the framework of emergency drills and training), as well as reviewing and assessment of justified safety of nuclear facilities or activities in the field of nuclear energy use within the licensing procedure in terms of emergency preparedness.
SEC NRS is a technical support organization of Rostechnadzor for the implementation of the tasks assigned to Rostechnadzor by the Government of the Russian Federation, including control of the readiness of nuclear facilities for actions to eliminate the consequences of possible accidents at nuclear facilities.

The article provides an overview of the activities of the SEC NRS on scientific and technical support of Rostechnadzor in the field of emergency preparedness taking into account the best international practices.

Keywords: Rostechnadzor, Information and analytical center, emergency preparedness, accident, IAEA.

Article language: Russian. Pp. 62–75. DOI: 10.26277/SECNRS.2022.104.2.004.


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