On the need for development of problem-oriented software to support regulatory decision-making in the field of atomic energy use

Authors:   Kuryndin A. V., Kirkin A. M., Liashko I. A. Issue:   1 (103) – 2022.
On the need for development of problem-oriented software to support regulatory decision-making in the field of atomic energy use.

Kuryndin A. V., Kirkin A. M., Liashko I. A.

The vigorous implementation of digital technologies into productive and social sectors of the economy make it possible to increase the efficiency of most processes significantly. The nuclear industry, as one of the most advanced and high-tech sectors of the economy, does not remain aloof from modern digital trends. For example, computer-aided design systems, automated process control systems, robotic systems, etc. are being actively introduced into the activities of organizations and enterprises of the nuclear industry worldwide. In addition, both high-tech, multifunctional and multiphysics computational codes, as well as specialized software to solve specific problems within a short time and with acceptable accuracy are being developed. Such specialized or problem-oriented software tools are being implemented into the activities of not only design, engineering and operating organizations of the nuclear industry, but also of state safety regulatory bodies in the field of atomic energy use and their technical and scientific support organizations. At the same time, it is important to note that the use of problem-oriented software tools by state safety regulatory bodies allows making evidence-based regulatory decisions.

The importance and relevance of problem-oriented software tools development, including for the purposes of improving the efficiency of safety regulation in the field of atomic energy use, are presented in the paper.

Keywords: problem-oriented software tools, safety regulation, field of atomic energy use.

Article language: Russian. Pp. 19–31. DOI: 10.26277/SECNRS.2022.103.1.002.


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