Selection of optimal option for radioactive waste management using mathematical methods

Authors:   Bochkarev V. V., Brilliantov B. D., Kryanev A. V. Issue:   4 (98) – 2020.

The problem of selecting an option for radioactive waste management is discussed. To optimize the selecting process the multivariate analysis method was used. The above method allows us to solve the difficult task of determining the optimal scenario for radioactive waste management by comparing particular indicators characterizing possible scenarios, to rank them by importance and calculate a complex indicator for each option considered. The result of applying this method is a quantitative assessment of the effectiveness for each of the considered options for radioactive waste management with the maximum value of the complex indicator for the best option.

Keywords: radioactive waste management, expert estimates, Saati scheme, multifactor method for the optimal option selection, a comprehensive indicator, the best option.

Article language: Russian. Pp. 35–47. DOI: 10.26277/SECNRS.2021.98.4.004.


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