Potential iodine compounds in the BREST-OD-300 reactor lead coolant

Authors:   Dubenkov N. E., Vasyukhno V. P., Khacheresov G. A. Issue:   1 (99) – 2021.

One of the most important components in the BREST-OD-300 reactor radiation safety justification is iodine that enters the coolant from the fuel. Further mass transport of the iodine depends on the physicochemical parameters of the compound that contains it.

Identifying the potential iodine compounds in lead requires theoretical and experimental studies both for the lead-iodine system and for the multicomponent system in consideration for other components that can accumulate in the lead coolant during the reactor facility power operation.

Presented the results of experiments to investigate the processes of iodine mass transport in lead coolant depending on:

  • the temperature range (420 to 680°С);
  • the presence of lead oxides, corrosion products, and activation and fission products (including cesium).

The selected experiment parameters make it possible to estimate the ratios of the iodine distribution in lead under normal operating conditions of the BREST-OD-300 reactor facility, as well as during accidents caused by an increase in the coolant temperature.

Keywords: lead coolant, iodine, mass transfer, solubility, experiment.

Article language: Russian. Pp. 5–13. DOI: 10.26277/SECNRS.2021.99.1.001.

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