Development specifics for a system of modeling and support of decision-making for nuclear facilities decommissioning

Authors:   Brilliantov B. D., Bochkarev V. V., Tereshkin V. I., Kryanev A. V. Issue:   1 (107) – 2023.
Development specifics for a system of modeling and support of decision-making for nuclear facilities decommissioning.

Brilliantov B. D., Bochkarev V. V., Tereshkin V. I., Kryanev A. V.
The current status of nuclear facilities’ decommissioning activities was analyzed along with evaluation of the necessity of making management decisions related to planning, preparation and conduct of decommissioning at all stages of a nuclear facility lifecycle. Potential constraints and difficulties on this way were also considered.

The article presents information about the “SPPOR” (optimal decision-making support system) software package intended for information support to management decision-making in implementation of activities for preparation to and conduct of a nuclear facility decommissioning. The “SPPOR” software package was developed on the basis of mathware obtained as a result of researches performed by SEC NRS.

The article presents the following elements of the “SPPOR” software package:

▪ a database containing libraries of models of nuclear facilities’ standard elements and processes to be carried out at decommissioning, as well as the requirements of the legal and regulatory framework for decommissioning of nuclear facilities;

▪ software tools for modeling of nuclear facilities and decommissioning processes, and for creation of possible solutions;

▪ software modules supporting evaluation and comparison of potential decommissioning solutions and justified choice of the optimal solution among them with the consideration of the uncertainty of input data about the nuclear facility, as well as the preferences of a person, who takes the decision.

The obtained results demonstrate possible approaches to evaluation of the efficiency of the decisions made with regard to preparation to and decommissioning of a nuclear facility. The “SPPOR” package was analyzed for feasibility of use for challenges related to nuclear facilities’ decommissioning, as well as for decision-making supporting systems.

Keywords: “SPPOR”, decommissioning, nuclear facility, multi-criteria selection, particular indicators, complex indicators, nuclear and radiation safety, functional structure, modeling, creation of scenarios.

Article language: Russian. Pp. 28–38. [in Russian]. DOI: 10.26277/SECNRS.2023.107.1.003.


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