Application of various criteria for the effectiveness of physical protection of nuclear facilities

Authors:   Gareev M. D., Egorov A. A., Zyrianov D. K., Smirnov V. V. Issue:   3 (105) – 2022.
Application of various criteria for the effectiveness of physical protection of nuclear facilities.

Gareev M. D., Egorov A. A., Zyrianov D. K., Smirnov V. V.

The article provides analysis of the fulfillment of the requirements of Federal rules and regulations on the physical protection of nuclear facilities related to evaluating the effectiveness of the physical protection systems of nuclear facilities. It is shown that the main criteria when deciding that the system of physical protection of a nuclear facility is capable of fulfilling its intended purpose to prevent unauthorized actions of violators is the criteria of comparing the estimated value of the effectiveness indicator with the required minimum permissible value (the criteria of applicability). The article describes the possibilities of using expert methods for making regulatory decisions when choosing options for designing of physical protection systems of nuclear facilities.
The possible options for using an alternative criteria based not on solving the problem of comparing the estimated value of the effectiveness indicator with the required minimum permissible value, but on solving the problem of maximizing effectiveness (optimality criteria) for making regulatory decisions are considered.

Keywords: physical protection system, effectiveness, effectiveness criteria, effectiveness indicator.

Article language: Russian. Pp. 5–14. DOI: 10.26277/SECNRS.2022.105.3.001.


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