Achievability of radiation (radiological) equivalence of radioactive waste and natural uranium.
Kudryavtsev E. G., Sharafutdinov R. B., Kuryndin A. V., Shapovalov A. S.
In scientific periodicals on the subject of the prospective development of nuclear energy, the principle of radiation equivalence of natural uranium and radioactive waste generated during the processing of spent nuclear fuel (hereinafter referred to as the principle of radioequivalence) is introduced as a postulate.
At the same time, this principle is used as one of the arguments in favor of the predominant use of nuclear power plants with fast neutron reactors. The authors of relevant publications state that the use of fast neutron reactors makes it possible to achieve greater radioequivalence of the initial natural uranium and radioactive waste generated during the processing of spent nuclear fuel than it is achievable with the predominant use of nuclear power plants with thermal neutron reactors.
This paper discusses the main and practical provisions of the radioequivalence principle, shows the insufficiency of using arguments based on this principle as a basis to formulate a conclusion about the need for the predominant use of fast neutron reactors.
Keywords: radiation safety, radioactive waste, closed nuclear fuel cycle, radiation equivalence, fast neutron reactor.
Article language: Russian. Pp. 73–83. DOI: 10.26277/SECNRS.2022.106.4.006.
Achievability of radiation (radiological) equivalence of radioactive waste and natural uranium
Kudryavtsev E. G. , Sharafutdinov R. B. , Kuryndin A. V. , Shapovalov A. S.
4 (106) – 2022.