Kishkina S. B., Bugaev E. G., Lobodenko I. Yu.
A brief overview of current data on technogenic seismicity is presented in the paper. First of all, this refers to moderate and strong earthquakes, which occurrence can change the safety assessment of the NPP site. The main attention is paid to the assessment of the possible distance from the potential source of technogenic earthquake and the assessment of its depth. The obtained parameters can be used to assess the safety of NPP sites in the vicinity of which mining operations are underway or planned, construction of a deep underground facility is possible, etc. Approaches to the analysis of technogenic earthquakes in Russian and IAEA safety standards, including those planned for publication, are considered.
The results of the review indicate the need to take into account and assess the possibility of large technogenic earthquakes during NPP site safety analysis. These can be trigger events, a leading part in their occurrence is played by the presence of tectonic load in the array, and technogenic impact is only an initiating mechanism. Based on the current trends, to obtain the seismic safety of NPP objective assessments in case of large technogenic earthquakes, it is sufficient to use all the accumulated knowledge and achievements developed for natural seismicity, taking into account the areas of the location of enterprises or engineering facilities that can become potential initiators of such events.
Keywords: NPP safety, NPP site, seismicity, technogenic earthquake, fault.
Article language: Russian. Pp. 41–71. DOI: 10.26277/SECNRS.2022.106.4.004.