
23 May 2015

The Conference (ISTC-2015) was held in the period of May 19-22, 2015 in ОКB “GIDROPRESS”. The Conference was attended by  Russian and foreign specialists from design engineering organizations, machine-building plants, scientific and research institutes and nuclear power plants.


21 May 2015

The 4th meeting of the VVER Working Group of the Multinational Design Evaluation Programme (MDEP VVERWG) was held in Sosnovy Bor in the period May 19-20, 2015 participated by representatives from ТАЕК (Turkey), STUK (Finland), Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (NEA OECD) and SEC NRS.


12 May 2015

The ETSON workshop on Post-Fukushima national and European stress-tests participated by SEC NRS representatives took place on May 11-12, 2015 in Paris (France).


29 April 2015

The Scientific and Technical Council was provided with seven entries. After consideration of “The Competition of the Graduates” results, the lead was gained by Andrey KIRKIN, Head of laboratory of Nuclear and Radiation Safety Division.  The topic of the presented report was “Computation and Experimental Research of Nuclear and Radiation Safety Indices in Respect to Spent Nuclear Fuel Transportation in TUK-153”.  


14 April 2015

The staff members of the Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety wholeheartedly and with the deepest and sincere regard congratulate you on the 70th Anniversary!


30 March 2015
The Consultancy Meeting on the Preparation of the Technical and Scientific Support TECDOC and the Seventh Steering Committee Meeting of the Technical and Scientific Support Organization Forum took place at the IAEA’s Headquarters in Vienna, Austria from *23 to 27 March 2015. The meetings were attended by D. Mistryugov, SEC NRS Head International Relations.

3 March 2015

Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (SEC NRS) recognized as scientific and technical support organization for the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service, has concluded contract with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) concerning distribution of the IAEA publications in Russia.


26 February 2015

С 01.03.2015 г. объявляется набор в аспирантуру ФБУ «НТЦ ЯРБ» на очную форму обучения.


13 February 2015

On February 13, 2015, State Secretary – Deputy Chairman of Rostechnadzor A.L. Rybas  had visited SEC NRS on the working visit.
During the visit the issues related to the main directions of activities of SEC NRS considered to be the organization of scientific and technical support of Rostechnadzor were discussed.
Topical issues regarding drafts preparation of regulatory legal documents regulating the provision of safety in the use of atomic energy and safety review implementation in respect to nuclear facilities and types of activities in the sphere of atomic energy use were under discussion.
Great consideration was addressed to scientific and technical support to the functioning of Information and Analytical Center of Rostechnadzor. Software used by SEC NRS to evaluate and provide efficient forecasting of NPP rector facilities and systems performance parameters in case of accidents as well as for radiological assessment in case of potentially possible emissions  of radioactive  substances into environment during nuclear events was presented. Besides that operation of information system on regulatory decision-making support in case of SNF transportation from VVER-440, VVER-1000 and RBMK-1000 reactor-types was demonstrated.


5 February 2015

On February 4, 2015 SEC NRS hosted Working meeting attended by the representatives  from “A.N. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of RAS” (IPCE RAS), Rostechnadzor and SEC NRS specialists. This Meeting was dedicated to the discussion of fire and explosion safety issues  in respect of the technological processes of fuel cycle facilities  and future perspectives for cooperation in this sphere.


23 December 2014

Приказом Ростехнадзора № 593 от 22.12.2014 г. утвержден План действий Федеральной службы по экологическому, технологическому и атомному надзору по реализации рекомендаций и предложений пост-миссии Международного агентства по атомной энергии "Комплексная оценка регулирующей деятельности в Российской Федерации" в ноябре 2013 года.


22 December 2014

The 3rd working meeting of the VVER Working Group under the Multinational Design Evaluation Programme and the 1st working meeting of the VVERWG Technical Expert Subgroup on Fukushima Lessons Learned were held in NEA/OECD Headquarters in Paris in the period of December 16 – 18, 2014. SEC NRS specialists took part in the aforesaid meetings.


19 December 2014

18 декабря 2014 года состоялось заседание Общественного совета при Федеральной службе по экологическому, технологическому и атомному надзору (Ростехнадзор).


15 December 2014

Отчет содержит результаты прикладных научно-исследовательских работ, направленных на научно-техническое обеспечение деятельности Федеральной службы по экологическому, технологическому и томному надзору, в том числе в области регулирования ядерной и радиационной безопасности, физической защиты объектов использования атомной энергии, учета и контроля ядерных материалов и радиоактивных веществ, обеспечения безопасности на объектах использования атомной энергии.


12 December 2014

The 1st meeting of the VVERWG Technical Expert Subgroup on Severe Accidents was hosted by SEC NRS on December 11, 2014 in frames of the Multinational Design Evaluation Programme (MDEP).


12 December 2014

“Provision on Quality Management System of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service in the Field of State Regulation of Safety at Atomic Energy Use” was enacted by the Order of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service No.557 dated of December 11, 2014.


11 December 2014

The International Workshop "Lessons Learned from the Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) Missions" organized jointly by Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service (Rostechnadzor) and the IAEA concluded its work on December 11, 2014 with a final press-conference.


11 December 2014

The “Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety” - the scientific and technical support organization for the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia, has issued the series of lectures for specialists in the field of nuclear energy use.
