Requirements for manuscripts submitted for publishing
Rules for submitting an article for publishing
To have an article published in the Journal, the author(s) shall send an electronic version of the article to the name of the Journal’s editor-in-chief by e-mail: Contact details of authors shall be given on a separate sheet and shall include the surname, first name, patronymic, academic degree, academic rank, affiliation and position, e-mail address, contact phone numbers.
To be published in the next issue of the Journal, the paper shall be submitted at least two months before the release of the Journal’s next issue. If submitted at shorter notice, the article will be published in subsequent issues, in order of submission. The executive secretary shall confirm to the author (if there is a team of authors – to the author authorized to carry on correspondence) the receipt of the article within three working days after the receipt date.
Articles are published in the Journal in the order (date) they have been received by the editorial team. The papers judged by the editorial team to be of overriding significance and priority are published out of order.
The following documents shall be attached to the article:
a) in case of authors affiliated with third-party organisations:
- a letter addressed to the Journal’s editor-in-chief with a request to consider publishing the article,
- a statement confirming that the article has been cleared for public release,
- information exchange approval;
b) in case of authors affiliated with SEC NRS:
- an internal note addressed to the Journal’s editor-in-chief with an application to consider publishing the article,
- a statement confirming that the article has been cleared for public release.
Publication terms
Articles sent to the editorial team for publication in the Journal shall meet the requirements set out in the ‘Regulation on Publishing Ethics for Scientific Articles in ‘Nuclear and Radiation Safety’ Journal’ (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Regulation on Ethics’). In case of a non-compliance with Regulation on Ethics requirements, the editorial team of the Journal reserves the right to refuse publishing the submitted paper.
Articles that have already been published in other print media or have been sent for printing to other publishers may not be submitted to the editorial team of the Journal. If parts of the submitted material have already been published and can be considered as duplication, the new article shall contain references to the previous works.
Scientific articles are published free of charge.
General requirements for an article
An article shall fit in the Journal’s area and theme that is state regulation of safety in the use of atomic energy.
An article shall be structured. There shall be separate sections on ‘Introduction’ and ‘Conclusions’, and it is recommended to form inside the main body of the text thematic subsections in accordance with the logic and key focuses of the paper, or to structure it in the way of IMRAD (introduction, methods, results and discussion):
- Title;
- Abstract;
- Introduction;
- Methods;
- Results;
- Discussion;
- Conclusions;
- References.
Author’s address data (affiliation*) shall be given on title page as subscript: the name of the organisation, city and country. If the author has an ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID), it shall be indicated.
* Further guidance on providing affiliation data can be found at
The article shall have an abstract* and a list of keywords. An abstract shall be structured in the same way as the article, and shall capture the core content of the article, outlining research objectives, key methods, insights and main findings. It is recommended to underline in the abstract the novelty of the scientific article as compared with other papers addressing the same theme and pursuing the same purpose. An abstract shall not incorporate non-essential information, and shall not duplicate the full text of the article or reiterate its title. Acronyms and abbreviations shall be spelled out. There shall be no references from the full text of the article. An abstract shall be between 150 and 250 words in Russian and between 200 and 250 words in English. An abstract is followed by keywords or phrases (no more than ten) in order of significance.
* Further guidance on writing an abstract is available at See also national standard GOST 7.9-95 ‘System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Summary and abstract. General requirements’.
There shall be no acronyms and abbreviations in the keywords as well.
Article title, abstract, keywords, authors name and affiliation, and list of references shall be given both in Russian and in English. Author names shall be transliterated in accordance with BSI standard (British Standards Institution) available at The official English name of the organisation shall be given.
The text shall include references to illustrations (figures, diagrams, graphs) and tables.
There shall be no unexplained abbreviated words in the text of an article. All abbreviations used in an article shall be spelled out, except for those of well-known metric units. If used in an article for more than three times, the term shall be given in its full name when first mentioned, with abbreviation in brackets, and then the article shall use the abbreviation only.
An article shall use the SI system (international system of units for physical quantities), with the exception of quantities traditionally measured in other units.
Format requirements for an article
An article shall not exceed 25 pages (А4 Word format, Arial/ Times New Roman font, 14 font size). Article length shall be between 3.000 and 6.000 words.
The UDC identifier shall be placed in the upper left corner of title page.
Tables shall be formatted using the MS Word tools directly in the text of an article, and shall be numbered and titled. Table title shall be given in English as well. A table shall not be placed at the end of a text.
A table shall not contain any acronyms or abbreviations. There shall be no more than five tables with more than 15 lines in an article.
Graphics shall be attached in separate files. Bitmap images shall be saved and processed in a tiff, jpg or png format. Colour (RGB or CMYK) and black-and-white (Greyscale) pictures shall have 300 dpi (dots per inch) resolution; pictures in bit format (Bitmap) – no less than 600 dpi.
Vector graphics (including diagrams) shall be submitted in the format they have been generated: Excel, Adobe Illustrator. If a figure was generated using another programme, the file shall be saved also in Enhanced Windows Metafile (EMF), Windows Metafile (WMF), Encapsulated Postscript (EPS) or Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format.
Figures shall have numbers or letters explained in figure caption or in the main text, rather than inscriptions. Captions shall be concise and informative. Captions (pictures, figures) and legends (diagrams) shall be given both in Russian and in English.
Formulae shall be composed in MS Word using a built-in formula editor, and shall be fit for editing. Formulae shall not be embedded as an image. All numbers, Russian and Greek letters used in a formula shall be in white letter; Latin letters shall be in italics; symbols of trigonometric functions – in white letter. Decimals in numerical values shall be pointed off by a comma. The style of mathematical formulae shall be consistent throughout the article.
List of references is composed in the order references are mentioned in the text. The List shall be formatted as prescribed by GOST R 7.0.5-2008 ‘Bibliographic references. General requirements and drafting rules’. The names of foreign authors in the text shall be given in the original transcription.
Citation is performed by the references’ numbers using brackets (for example, [1]). There shall be no references to unpublished works. At least 15 sources shall be cited. It is recommended to use sources dating no more than 10 years back, with 10 to 20 years old sources accounting for no more than 30% of all references.
The international bibliographic standard APA* (American Psychological Association) and Vancouver system: a citation style for scientific works are recommended for formatting References in English. If a list of references includes monographs, articles from collected works, presentations made at non-indexed conferences, the names of their authors can be transliterated in accordance with the selected BSI transliteration system, whilst the publication name and article title shall be fully translated into English. The language of the full text of a referenced source shall be indicated at the end of reference description (for example, [in Russian]). Cities mentioned in References shall be given in transliteration, in their full, not abbreviated, name, whilst cities that have an English-language name (Moscow, St. Petersburg, etc.) shall be given in English. Ranges shall have no spaces before and after the connecting dash. Russian-language names of journals shall be transliterated. If a journal is recommended for citation, English-language title is given through ‘–’ (dash) sign.
* More details on the standard and examples of reference formatting are available at