

Conforming between the size of the buffer zone and airborne discharge limits
Conforming between the size of the buffer zone and airborne discharge limits.
Graphical approach to determining the thermobaric boundaries of the explosive range of monoethanolamine in nitric acid solutions
Graphical approach to determining the thermobaric boundaries of the explosive range of monoethanolamine in nitric acid solutions.
Investigation of the hydrodynamics processes and heat transfer in the combined film-type evaporation apparatus during the concentration of low-level liquid waste containing surfactants
Investigation of the hydrodynamics processes and heat transfer in the combined film-type evaporation apparatus during the concentration of low-level liquid waste containing surfactants.
Calculated estimation of explosion pressure for uranium nitrogen aerosol
Calculated estimation of explosion pressure for uranium nitrogen aerosol.
Requirements to Planning and Preparedness to Eliminate Consequences of Accidents during Transportation of Cargoes with Radioactive Materials (NP-074-23)
Requirements to Planning and Preparedness to Eliminate Consequences of Accidents during Transportation of Cargoes with Radioactive Materials (NP-074-23)
Requirements to Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials, Nuclear Installations and Nuclear Materials Storage Facilities (NP-083-23)
Requirements to Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials, Nuclear Installations and Nuclear Materials Storage Facilities (NP-083-23).


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This journal, in addition to publication of academic papers and scientific reviews in respect to the most principal questions of nuclear and radiation safety provision, it also covers the final revisions of the federal regulations and rules in the sphere of nuclear and radiation safety approved by Rostechnadzor, their drafts and amendments thereto. It highlights issues on state regulation of safety when implementing the use of atomic energy; it presents information about violations at operation of nuclear facilities. The texts of regulatory documents and lists of regulatory documents (revised) are being published in this journal.