SEC NRS has developed performance reward system for employees who succeeded in passing GTO (Ready for Labor and Defense) tests

10 June 2015

For the purpose of implementation of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 540 “On Adoption of the Provision about the All-Russia ‘Ready for Labor and Defense’ (GTO) Complex of Physical Fitness and Health Tests” dated of June 11, 2014, of the national policy in the field of physical fitness and sports, establishment of the effective physical education system aimed at human development and health promotion, SEC NRS has developed a performance reward system for employees, who succeeded in passing the tests to be awarded a relevant merit badge of the All-Russia Physical Fitness and Health Complex.

Andrey Tikhonov, Deputy Head of Computer Equipment Support Division, was the first SEC NRS employee, who succeeded in passing GTO tests and was awarded the gold merit badge!