Regulation on ‘Nuclear and Radiation Safety’ Journal
I. General
- The Regulation on the ‘Nuclear and Radiation Safety’ Journal (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Regulation’) has been developed considering the provisions of:
- the Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
- the Law of the Russian Federation ‘On the Mass Media’ No. 2124-1 of 27.12.1991;
- Federal Law ‘On Information, Information Technologies and Protection of Information’ No. 149-FZ of 27.07.2006;
- Federal Law ‘On Mandatory Original Copy of Documents’ No. 77-FZ of 29.12.1994;
- Federal Law ‘On Personal Data’ No. 152-FZ of 27.07.2006;
- Federal Law ‘On the Use of Atomic Energy’ No. 170-FZ of 21.11.1995;
- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation ‘On the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service’ No. 401 of 30.07.2004, and
- the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service order No. 384 of 20.04.2006 ‘On Management of Official Publication of Regulations issued by the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service’.
- The ‘Nuclear and Radiation Safety’ Journal (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Journal’) is an official research and practice peer-reviewed, royalty-free printed periodical of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service (hereinafter referred to as ‘Rostechnadzor’) publicizing scientific research insights in the following areas:
- 05.00.00 ‘Engineering Research’ (05.26.00 ‘Occupational Safety’; 05.26.05 ‘Nuclear and Radiation Safety’);
- 05.14.00 ‘Generation’ (05.14.03 ‘Nuclear Power Installations, including Design, Operation and Decommissioning’).
Following the Russian Federation Law ‘On the Mass Media’ No. 2124 of 27.12.1991, the Journal was registered as mass media (registration certificate PI No. FS 77-44504 of 08.04.2011) by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor).
The Journal was founded in conformity with the provisions of Article 6 of the Federal Law ‘On the Use of Atomic Energy’ No. 170-FZ of 21.11.1995 to keep the public posted on the state-of-the-art in nuclear and radiation safety regulation for nuclear facilities.
The founder of the Journal is Federal Budgetary Institution ‘Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety" (hereinafter – ‘SEC NRS’).
The Journal publisher is SEC NRS. The publisher provides logistics support to the Journal publishing process and dissemination.
The Journal publications include approved federal rules and regulations in the field of atomic energy use; safety guides in atomic energy use; original articles and overviews on research insights contributed by leading nuclear professionals; reference and international information.
The Journal is published four times a year (quarterly). If necessary, more issues can be published in a year.
8.1. The Journal is published and disseminated in a hard and soft copy. The electronic version is posted on the Journal website: (mass media registration certificate EL No. FS 77-79598 of 13.11.2020).
8.2. The Journal name (title): in Russian: ‘Ядерная и радиационная безопасность’, in English transliteration: ‘Yadernaya i radiatsionnaya bezopasnost’, in English – ‘Nuclear and Radiation Safety’ Journal.
8.3. The Journal name (title) copyright owner is SEC NRS.
The Journal’s editor-in-chief is SEC NRS director.
The Journal is on the List of Peer-Reviewed Scientific Publications (VAK) obligated to publish key scientific insights of doctor / candidate theses. Information about articles published in the Journal is forwarded to the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).
The Journal has an International Standard Serial Number ISSN: 2218-8665 (print), ISSN: 2218-869X (online).
The Journal life is open-ended.
II. Policy, goals and mission of ‘Nuclear and Radiation Safety’ Journal
The Journal policy is governed by the rule to communicate to nuclear professionals and the public objective information about challenges facing regulation and provision of nuclear and radiation safety in the use of atomic energy use, and about nuclear and radiation safety principles and criteria established in regulatory legal documents.
The Journal goals are:
- ensure that information depicting the results of nuclear and radiation safety regulation activities in atomic energy use is transparent, clear, open, correct and comprehensible;
- disseminate scientific knowledge on safety regulation of nuclear facilities;
- enhance professional knowledge of nuclear specialists.
- The Journal mission is:
- give to a broad community of nuclear scientists and other professionals an opportunity to publish the results of their works;
- inform nuclear scientists and other professionals about the R&D insights on key challenges in nuclear and radiation safety regulation;
- publish Rostechnadzor’s approved regulations on nuclear and radiological safety;
- provide information on the activities of international organisations dealing with nuclear energy.
III. Structure of ‘Nuclear and Radiation Safety’ Journal
The Journal comprises the following core rubrics: ‘Articles’, ‘Official Documents’, ‘International’, and ‘Reference Information’.
Each issue of the Journal shall contain the following information:
- the Journal title;
- the Journal founder;
- affiliation of editorial board and editorial team members;
- sequential number of the issue and the date when it was signed for printing;
- ISSN (print) and ISSN (online) indexes;
- addresses of the editorial office, publisher, printing house;
- copyright sign(s);
- trademark (service mark) ‘SEC NRS’.
IV. Management of ‘Nuclear and Radiation Safety’ Journal
- The Journal has an editorial team chaired by editor-in-chief, and an editorial (advisory) board. The editorial team and editorial board member list is given on title page of the Journal.
§1. Editorial team of ‘Nuclear and Radiation Safety’ Journal
The editorial team of the Journal includes editor-in-chief, deputy editor-in-chief, editorial team members, and executive secretary.
The editorial team is composed of the most competent and esteemed experts on nuclear and radiation safety regulation.
The editorial team members are approved by SEC NRS order.
The editorial team member credentials are posted on the Journal website.
The editorial team provides a scientific and administrative management of the Journal:
- administers peer reviewing of articles;
- holds responsibility for the Journal content and theme;
- deals with letters pertaining to matters relevant to the Journal activities;
- decides on the Journal design;
- decides on the number of the Journal issues;
- if necessary, changes the Journal frequency, format, or circulation.
The editor-in-chief directs the editorial team activities and approves the Journal issues for printing.
The deputy editor-in-chief stands for the editor-in-chief in his absence, directs compilation and content of the Journal issues and administers conduct of peer reviews for submitted articles.
The members of the editorial team give guidance on conduct of peer reviews; perform scientific review of submitted materials; recommend to publish or reject manuscripts; promote the Journal dissemination to nuclear professionals.
The executive secretary collects and registers manuscripts offered for publishing; verifies the fulfilment of manuscript requirements; tracks submission of mandatory original copies of the Journal required by the Federal Law ‘On Mandatory Original Copy of Documents’ No. 77-FZ of 29.12.1994; arranges postal mailing of the Journal to subscribers and to Rostechnadzor interregional territorial departments for nuclear and radiation safety supervision, and arranges storage of peer review report originals.
The editorial team is reorganised or dismissed by SEC NRS order.
§2. Editorial board of ‘Nuclear and Radiation Safety’ Journal
The Journal’s editorial board is established to supervise quality assurance for published materials.
The editorial board consists of high-profile experts possessing high professional reputation in the fields of atomic energy use and regulation of nuclear and radiation safety.
The editorial board members opinion on materials suggested for publication has overriding significance.
V. Editorial staff of ‘Nuclear and Radiation Safety’ Journal
The editorial staff of the Journal come from the Division of Scientific and Technical Information of the IAD (DSTI IAD). The editorial staff arrange receipt, registration and storage of submitted manuscripts; editing, electronic layout, proofreading, and tracking of articles in all stages of editorial and publishing process.
The editorial staff activities are governed by editor-in-chief and editorial team decisions, and by this Regulation.
VI. Requirements for ‘Nuclear and Radiation Safety’ Journal publications
Articles are published free of charge.
Eligible for publication are original articles that have not been published elsewhere, regulatory documents on nuclear and radiation safety, international and reference information.
Published materials shall not contain information classified as a state secret, or as confidential or commercial information. Each issue of the Journal undergoes a review to be cleared for public release.
All articles accepted for publication undergo a mandatory peer review. The peer review regulation for scientific articles is posted on the Journal website.
All materials are published in Russian. The title page, content, title of article, abstract, keywords, captions, table titles, references, and author credentials are published both in Russian and in English.
VII. Circulation of ‘Nuclear and Radiation Safety’ Journal
The Journal is mailed to Rostechnadzor headquarters and to interregional territorial departments for nuclear and radiation safety supervision.
The Journal is distributed through subscription agencies, as well as by direct subscription through the SEC NRS.
The print size is defined based on the outcome of annual subscription campaign.